Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nicki Minaj's Green Hair is the Shiznit!

Don't care what anyone says, but that hair on 106th & Park is absolutely the business. Plus the hair in the "Massive Attack" video....oh god. I want green mermaid hair.  Now, since she has pulled off the green hair, don't be shocked if you see other African American girls....actually ANY girl in general do the green hair. I love how in the video it isn't GREEN, it's a green with highlights. It almost looks natural (well, as natural as green hair can look lol). I might just rock a green streak for the summer hahaha.

Nicki Minaj is seriously one of my idols next to Christina Augilera and Sade lol. I know, weird mix. But Nicki is someone who doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She's a rapper who is a GIRL, not a girl who wants to be a hard rapper. Her raw sexuality is what sets her apart. Plus she has this nice mix of Japanese Pop/Fashion Culture. I want to be just like her: Confident, Sexy, Risktaking. Green hair can go TERRIBLY WRONG. But with her, god, she pulls it off so well. I love you, Nicki. You are someone I totally look up to.

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